Tuesday, May 28, 2024

oi ocha

You may or may not know that Shohei Otani is the global ambassador for Oi Ocha.

Itoen recently came out with a promotion...buy 4 bottles and get a free Shohei Otani folder.

I went to a couple of grocery stores during my errands but couldn't find it...of course, when I wasn't looking for it, I stumbled upon it at a different market.

Happy I was able to get one, but can't believe people are re-selling these folders online


  1. I looked it up on eBay and saw other items of his selling for big bucks!

  2. Uniqlo was giving free oi oicha this weekend. I asked the promoters why there was no Shohei Ohtani promo here, hahaha.
    It is my drink of choice here and in Japan because it is unsweetened.

  3. Jalna, krazy yeah?

    V, lol

    Take care you two.

  4. Man, all his stuff is going like crazy!


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