Friday, May 17, 2024

this and that

meh, this buffalo chicken bleu cheese pie from Dean & Deluca, no spiciness and little bleu cheese flavor...
loved this salad chicken (poached chicken) sandwich from Subway, added avocado
Tokyo People: directing traffic

Tokyo furry people: waiting at the crossing, for the train to pass
Tokyo furry people: just hanging out at the tatami shop
seen: origami koinobori at Shinagawa station

Tokyo furry people: don't always see this one

Seemed like the rainy days were more than the sunny ones this week, I kinda feel like rainy season has started in Tokyo but because it is too early, no one wants to actually say it out loud...

Have a safe weekend


  1. i haven't eaten a subway sandwich in years. They seem to pay for a lot of product placements in the Korean dramas I watch. I should go, because in my building, there is a Stortos that makes really ono sandwiches, but at almost 2x the price. (It is really worth it, though.)

  2. Cool that origami koi thing.

  3. Whoa.....haven't been to Subway in maybe 15 years.....and we have one three blocks away. Love the "furry people" photos. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Stortos sounds ono V!

    Jalna, it was cool to see :)

    Kirk, glad you enjoyed the furry people :)

    Take care everyone.


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