Saturday, May 11, 2024

this and that

Eagran's frozen lemonade refreshing, would get this one again…680 yen (tax included)
Conveyor Belt Sushi Misaki is a part of the Kyotaru group.

This handroll was "alive" when I took it off the slid off the plate, bounded on the counter and went under the foot of the guy that was sitting next to me

I didn't think they would make me another one, but they did, thank you!

Love this house in our neighborhood, especially their terrace

I've never seen the neighbors use it, until the other night...winter is too cold, summer is too hot, on this evening it was a little chilly but must've been bearable.

Pretty chinese peony finally blooming, love the tints of fuschia


  1. That is a nice little lanai. Too bad not much usage.

  2. They might be using it more, V, I just don't notice :)

    Jalna, :)

    Take care you two.

  3. Lol! The fish in the handroll must have been really fresh Kat!

  4. Kirk, super fresh :)

    Take care.

  5. i forgot I had an espresso that I bought from a little Korean bakery in the freezer and also had a huge lemon so I made lemonade and mixed it with the espresso. I like it better than those coffee sodas, maybe because more sugar? LOL.


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