Saturday, June 22, 2024


Learned about the Oi Ocha Museum in Shinbashi the other day, so since I had an errand in the area, I went to check it out.

They are located inside the Old Shinbashi Station Railway History Exhibition Hall and there is no admission

(There is an area that has admission, but I didn't check that out because it seemed similar to the Tea Museum we visited in Shizuoka

These large tapestries were actually taken from the Kabuki curtain when the Kabuki theatre was renovated in 2013
so pretty
One thing that I wanted to see was the Shohei Otani Oi Ocha vending machine, apparently there is only this one in the whole world
It was krazy humid, so I cooled off with a matcha lemon soda...super refreshing 650 yen (tax included)
I also went to check out the Old Shinbashi Station Railway History Exhibition Hall, this also had no admission, most displays were in Japanese, so since I cannot read too much Japanese, I just looked at the photos and artifacts that they had.

The building is a replica of the first Shinbashi station.

Stumbled on the Ryuketsu Ginza Miyake no Miya Shrine

Apparently the Ryuketsu Ginza Miyake Ryujin (Dragon God) "aspires to guide people on the path of highest virtue as a human"
saw a woman stop to pray while I was here

Apparently this shrine is on the property of Dr Copa, a popular feng shui & color fortune teller
Tachibana Karinto has been in business since 1909!

They have two types, koro and saeda

Koro is a thick short rounded shaped karinto

I bought saeda, a long rounded shape karinto....1000 yen (tax included)

Loved this! the pieces are not hard like some karinto can be and the sugar coating does not stick to your teeth.

I'm glad I tried this and would give these away as gifts

Harnn, we've tried them before, I'm glad I got to reconnect with them.
365 nichi's chocolat trefle, apparently trefle means clover in French, this clover shaped puff pastry is filled with a ganache made with a blend of 61% and 32% chocolates...not too sweet and the pastry is flaky ...324 yen (tax included)
Hatake which means "field" or "garden" in Japanese

This brioche bread is topped with red miso, mayonnaise, olives, a little bacon, and all sorts of veggies like cabbage and komatsuna (mustard cabbage) was quite soft, so I ate this with a knife and fork, different but delicious...519 yen (tax included)

It was super humid but I'm glad I got my errand done and got to see other areas as well.

Oi Ocha Museum
inside the Old Shinbashi Station Railway History Exhibition Hall
1-5-3 Higashishinbashi
Minato, Tokyo
Closed Mondays
Hours: 10:00-17:00

Tachibana Karinto
8-7-19 Ginza
Chuo, Tokyo
Closed Sundays
Hours: 11:00-16:30 (15:00 Saturdays)


Anonymous said...

love those curtains!

remember that fertility and childbirth shrine we went to? The one who wanted to get pregnant is expecting, but I think she hadn't found out she was pregnant at the time we went. The childbirth one worked so well, the baby was 1 month early but both mom and baby are fine so must have worked too.

jalna said...

I would love to try that lemon soda.

KirkK said...

Very cool explorations Kat! Hope you're keeping cool!

K and S said...

that is so cool V!

Jalna, I think you might enjoy this :)

Kirk, trying to :)

Take care everyone.