Friday, June 28, 2024

this and that

Found the "other flavor" this was sweeter than the "plain", I prefer the "plain" one
recently made up this pupu...tomato, chili crisp, mayo and diced onions
Tokyo furry people : so sleepy

Ike-Tama Happy Train...recently came upon this colorful train in our area
Tokyo People: enjoy seeing the grandmas talking story
Tokyo People: this guy passing out political info for the upcoming Tokyo Governor race, thought it was neat how he had his map attached to his windshield

eating juicy peaches over the kitchen sink
Tokyo (furry) people: waiting patiently

been eating somen, only takes 2 minutes to cook!
Bulgarian Kookie Cat cookies, like soft granola bars, would get these again.

So so humid, have a safe weekend.


  1. we only get to eat crunch peaches here. They rarely get juicy like like, only mealy. But crunch is good!
    Did you ever read about some with their different colored bands? I think for The Ibonito brand. Different colors are the different times the crops are harvested so the quality and tastes are different. I was trying to see that was universal among other some companies. I think black was best quality.

  2. didn't know about the colored bands V, so interesting

    Take care!


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