Saturday, August 10, 2024

furry get together

Blog reader Ryan has a golden named Yume

Recently, Yume and Maggie had puppies…Teru, Kai and a couple more

Ryan adopted Teru

Jalna adopted Kai

It was the first time for Yume and Teru to meet Kai

It was also my first time meeting Wendell, as well as Yume, Teru & Kai

Kai seemed a bit anxious and couldn’t keep still, so Yume seemed to “scold” or speak “gruffly” to Kai

Anytime the two would come close to each other, Kai would put on the brakes and tried to stay away from Yume

For lunch, we shared all sorts of plate lunches from Rice Box Cafe, salad from Foodland and baked goodies by Jalna

Then the furry ones went “swimming”

And like father like sons, they were kinda scared of the water

Teru didn’t want to share his toys with anyone

Jalna and I checked out Ryan’s beautiful bonsai collection

And then it was time for lunch for the furry ones

They eat so well!

Kai was pooped after his day
Thankful Ryan’s wife S picked me up and Wendell & Jalna brought me back to Pearl City

Also thankful for all the goodies Jalna shared with me

I also shared half of this sourdough bread that her sister Geri made with my Aunty

UPDATE: Forgot to say thank you for all the goodies we received from Ryan & S! (sorry!)

Thanks for today Ryan, S, Wendell & Jalna!


  1. what a perfect day!

  2. It was such a nice get-together. So funny how Kai would put on the brakes whenever he inadvertently got too near Yume. 😂

    1. it really was nice, Jalna, thank you again for bringing me back to PC, Take care, Kat

  3. Kai is so adorable! Actually all the pooches are!

    1. all the furry ones were so nice, Kirk :) Take care, Kat

  4. Thank you for spending the day with us! It was good socialization for the pups and me! - r&s

    1. Thank you for opening your home to all of us R & S, it was fun! Take care, Kat


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