Tuesday, August 13, 2024

l & l

I think it’s been some moons since I’ve had L&L

Not sure if I told you this story…

Pre-blog, my cousin D and I helped my Grandma put her dresser together

Somehow the kit didn't have enough nails or maybe we used too many in the wrong place, probably the latter

We needed a couple of more to finish so we went to Ace Hardware

We didn’t want to buy a big amount so I asked a grandpa working there and he said, “how many you need?”

I said, “like 2”

He said, “here” as he put 2 in my hand

I said, “how much?” and he just waved me away

We thanked him and went back to finish the dresser

Small kine shoplifting, yeah?! but we were still thankful 

About a couple doors down from Grandma’s apartment was L & L

This is where D & I bought our chicken katsu for dinner.

Our favorite was from Grace’s Inn on Oahu, there used to be one in Waimalu

The sauce at L & L is their version of katsu sauce, it has a little kick

This trip home, it was nice to reconnect with this and that memory


  1. I rediscovered L&L when I moved back to town. I preferred Loco Moco Drive Inn where I use to live. L&L does some things great but not everything. They really have junk fries that need to be cooked extra, extra crispy. I don't like chicken katsu cuz it's too dry but they make a good beef or pork?? one. I use okonomiyaki sauce instead. -N

    1. I don't think I've tried Loco Moco Drive Inn, N, will have to try the next time I'm back, take care! Kat

  2. That's a nice memory Kat! Truly "lokomaika'i"!

  3. i've read several places that said the original L&L on Liliha street makes the best katsu.

    1. ooh good to know V, thanks! Take care, Kat


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