Saturday, August 17, 2024

this and that

Earlier in this trip, I met up with Mich and Jalna at the Lanai, a food court at Ala Moana, it was nice catching up with both of them

Thankful for the treats Jalna shared with me, those cookies reminded me of my mom's and I love her handmade bag & cards!
And for the treats that Mich shared with me, especially the peanut butter cookies

I also appreciated Jalna and Mich coming to Ala Moana on a Saturday to meet up...Thank you!
Got to try the chigiri (pull apart) bread from cute

Kakimochi chocolate chip cookies were kinda trending and Beyond Pastry makes the best, Thanks K, for introducing this to me

Got to have a little Hilo lychee, which I picked up in Chinatown, so sweet!
Zippy's makes the best cornbread, so good when they grill it too
7-11 day, got my hands on a POG (passion orange guava) slurpee, this year was a free small size
Got a HOLO card for Satoshi for next year

didn't get to see too many sunsets this trip, this was the prettiest

And the best rainbow 

I appreciate everyone that made time for me, for meeting up near Ala Moana since I didn't have access to a car

(I think if Satoshi does come next summer I’ll rent a car)

I also appreciated everyone that picked me up and brought me back to Pearl City

It was nice catching up with everyone.

It was nice to visit new (to me) places as well as places I often go to whenever I am back.

Appreciate Satoshi letting me stay a month and BFF for letting me stay with her

There were several days when it rained, but for the most part, the weather was nice and cooler than Japan

The plane to Hawaii was filled with all the Hawaii people and the plane back to Japan was not, I had my row to myself!

The lunch served on board back to Japan was junk! should’ve brought my own.

Saw “The Beekeeper” & “April Come She Will”

This year I flew back using miles, BUT, taxes and fees still cost me about $600!

If you are interested in seeing other photos, especially things I didn’t blog about, please look here

Hope you enjoyed my adventure as much as I did


  1. It was nice catching up with you! And Mich!

  2. Lots of goodies Kat! The Missus and I enjoyed the Lanai!

    1. it really is a nice area, Kirk. Take care, Kat

  3. Yes, it was awesome seeing you and Jalna! Take care!

    1. It was also nice seeing Kalin, Mich, Take care, Kat


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