Friday, September 13, 2024

this and that

Tokyo People: this guy whizzed past me on this motorized scooter thingy
found white rice but now need to find brown, 1st world problems

Tokyo People : be the energy you want to attract
“Kodoku no gourmet”(“Solitary Gourmet”) : season 1 episode 1, tsukune (chicken meatball) with piman (bell pepper).

In the episode he eats the bell pepper raw with the tsukune, but we ate it warmed up.

I like the crunch from the bell pepper and the tsukune had a shoyu based sauce.

The weather is still blazing and humid and the weather dude says Tokyo’s fall leaves should happen in December?! WT?!

Have a safe weekend


  1. Fall in December? Man, the weather sure is a mess right now.....

  2. have you been reading about all the accidents and fatalities with bikes and scooters here? So dangerous because you can't hear them and they come whizzing by on the side walks when it's hard to see them. Grrr!
    I just thought, you could put your piman in the pickling sauce too from the grapes. I pickle jalapeno and after I eat them I put carrot and bellpepper sticks. Spicy pickles! I was going to try with daikon. radishes turn everything red, and the radish bleeds out to pink, LOL

    1. that is scary V and your pickles sound spicy! Take care, Kat


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