Wednesday, December 04, 2024


Remember this karakuri box? Well, I think it is actually called a himitsubako (secret box)

Anyway, the other night, I decided I was going to try to open it

I channeled my father, who loved puzzles and I also used youtube, oh and google lens helped too

Some sites had the exact box, but didn’t have the way to open!
Satoshi said there was only a 5 yen coin in the box, but I said I thought there was a 100 yen in there from the sound it made when the coin hit the walls of the box

So using similar strategies and techniques that I saw on youtube…

I opened it! Satoshi was amazed.

And there was a super old 100 yen in there! (I think it is made of silver!)

I'm glad I was able to open it and that we could see what was in there.

Thanks Dad!


  1. awesome!
    Maybe you can come an open our little safe that I don't know the combo to. Somebody told me that he wrote it down somewhere but couldn't remember where he put it.

    1. ha! V, I wonder where he put the combination...Take care, Kat

  2. ❤️ puzzles and especially solving them. So satisfying!! Congrats!!


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