Friday, December 13, 2024

this and that

it's that time of year when I send Satoshi off to work with a thermos of hot tea to have with his lunch.

After filling the thermos, there is always a little cup left and I usually sit with it, in the quiet, just before my day starts to make breakfast.

fennel trying to open the bottle on the right.

made the mistake of pulling down on the bottle with my left hand and pulling the cap up with my right...boom! fennel everywhere

so I decided to put the fennel into the bottle on the left...but being impatient, the funnel I was using, overflowed and more fennel was everywhere....sigh

haagen dazs' collaborated with sadaharu aoki, a patissier in France, looking forward to trying this caramel noisette (hazelnut)...460 yen (plus tax) each
soy meat keema from family
it's soup curry season at coco ichibanya...I always get the roasted chicken soup curry, Satoshi tried this one...the ebi (shrimp) soup curry and added fried ika (squid) 

He said he enjoyed this.

Tokyo People: this one zoomed past me...

New (to me) Ritter Sport bars...looking forward to trying these

Small kine shame, but I also thought this was kinda funny....

Our apartment is so small that I often have laundry hanging from the doorways of the two rooms that we we often have to duck under the laundry to get around the apartment...

my "brah", was caught on his backpack! as he was getting ready to leave for work

lucky I noticed as he was putting on his shoes...pretty sure no one would tell him if they saw him with it hanging on his backpack...And I definitely would not pick it up if I saw it outside on the ground…ha!

have a safe weekend.


  1. Would he even ever forgive you if you didn't catch it hanging from this backpack. LOL
    See your soup curry, I think I ate something like that at Shinagawa Station in February from but not Coco Ichibanya. I wonder if the local Coco would have it. I should check.

    BTW, received your card in today's mail. Thank you! I thought you were having problems with the mail.

    1. v, Canada Post is on strike so I still can't send my cards to my friends there :( glad the card got to you safely! Take care, Kat

  2. I can't imagine my house smelling like fennel! And just think, if you didn't catch Satoshi with "your stuff", he might have qualified for one of your "Tokyo People" posts Kat! ;o)

    1. gosh if he was a "tokyo people" Kirk :p Take care Kat

  3. Oh! the Ritter chocolate bar with marzipan is the best! Hard to find in Hawaii, though. Li

    1. Li, so many candies are hard to find in Hawaii these days, Take care Kat

  4. I was already cracking up at the fennel and then came the "brah". 😂. Thanks for the postcard BTW!!

    1. Glad it got to you safely Jalna, Take care Kat


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