Tuesday, December 10, 2024

yamaya and neko shokupan

V gave us these cans of smoked salmon and scallops that are supposed to be eaten as pupu 

I heated them up in the fish grill

They were delicious! (Thank you!) 

Since we needed coffee, I also looked for different cans at Yamaya for us to try and purchased this pork with honey mustard and chicken that is prepared yakitori style

Changing the subject, back in May I had written that the price of coffee went up, well it went up again!

Now 1 kilo of Mocha Blend or Special Blend is 1980 yen (plus tax) and the Kilimanjaro Blend is 2000 yen (plus tax)...eep!

Across the street of Yamaya is Neko Shokupan, the Christmas versions of Neko (cat) bread are cute!

What are you enjoying?


  1. Patty told me about these pupus. I better look for more too!

    1. V, the ones I've seen are mostly seafood like oysters, scallops, and some meats like pork & chicken. Take care Kat

  2. The Neko bread! Amazing how they did that.
    Bonny ogg

    1. The strawberry swirl is super ono, Bonny! Take care, Kat

  3. That neko bread is so cute Kat!

    1. I really like to get these once in awhile, Kirk, take care, Kat


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