Saturday, January 18, 2025


Went to Nihonbashi on Thursday.

I wanted to check out the new biscuit shop that Alain Ducasse opened 

In Europe, cookies are known as biscuits. I think in French they are called sables

I purchased the Tablette Biscuit, Graines & chocolat.

The biscuit is chocolate, like a shortbread and has different seeds in it (flax, pumpkin, sunflower) and is covered with 75% chocolate on one side, a little dry and not sweet, love this

They were so nice to wrap up some samples of their other biscuits...Pur Beurre (pure butter), Palet Fin Noisette (hazelnut covered with chocolate) and Biscuit Sarasin (buckwheat)...the two without chocolate are savory, all would be nice with wine.

I also went next door to the chocolate shop and purchased the 75% Mendiant Pistaches Sablees (chopped pistachios)

The pistachios are not chopped, so delicious!

Bummed that the chocolat staff that offered me a sample didn’t wrap it up for me like the biscuit staff did…(I didn’t want to take off my mask to taste the sample.)

And then I walked about 5 minutes to Bakery Bank.

I purchased their curry pan, this was wonderful! Still crispy even after bringing it home!

It was filled to the gills with curry, a little spicy, chunks of meat, even a little crunch from some fukujinzuke, would get this one again.

I also tried their cinnamon roll! this was delicious too.

A little different from most cinnamon rolls, this was flaky and cinnamon-y!

For dinner, I also purchased  their pate sandwich, so I could have it with some wine.

It was cloudy all day and the wind was super fahreezing, but I was glad to be out and about.


  1. That Curry Pan looks so good Kat!

    1. Kirk, I think you might have enjoyed it :) Take care, Kat


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