Wednesday, January 29, 2025

happy lunar new year

Hope you have a Happy Lunar New Year!

Apparently it is the Year of the Wood Snake

I wanted to check out Yokohama’s Chinatown, since the last time I went for Lunar New Year was pre-pandemic, but since I just got vaccinated and heard that 90 million?! Chinese are traveling this week, and that their number one travel destination is Japan, I decided to lay low.

I instead bought us Chinese bento from Niihao...680 yen (plus tax)

1 main choice...I chose sweet sour pork, 2 side choices...I chose happosai (eight treasure vegetables) and eggplant gyoza (this was eggplant and minced meat that was deep fried, I think the sauce was the sweet sour sauce...1 starch choice, I chose their noodles since I read somewhere that noodles should be eaten for the New Year.

I also bought some spring rolls at the market since this should also be eaten for the New Year and also just in case this bento wasn't enough for Satoshi...for his main I chose ebi chili (spicy shrimp)

I ate my bento for lunch, but Satoshi will eat his for dinner. (Kat will eat leftovers for dinner)

I hope the New Year will bring you good health, happiness and prosperity.


  1. Replies
    1. thanks Kirk, Happy Lunar New Year :) Take care, Kat

  2. Happy Lunar New Year!
    The HR side of our company postponed their lunch from today to Friday. They had a hard time ordering for today (duh!) so I have to plan my daily mail run to coincide with lunch time on Friday. LOL , I pop in and they tell me how great I came so must stay for lunch.

    1. lol V, hope you had a nice lunch! Take care, Kat

  3. Yikes! Good idea to lay low.

  4. Happy Lunar New Year! Good call to skip Yokohama this time, your bento and spring roll looks great anyway!!


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