Thursday, January 23, 2025


Went back to K-sozai to try their honey mustard chicken and gimmari

Apparently gimmari is a Korean street food, and according to Maangchi, "they are crispy on the outside chewy on the inside"

I should've heated these up in the toaster because they were chewy and not crispy at!

the nori rolls seemed to be filled with glass noodles and the long dumplings seemed to filled with some fish paste?!

Will have to remember to try toasting them the next time...

I was glad that the honey mustard chicken was more yellow mustard than honey.

And the chicken was tender, I think this is the same fried chicken they use for the yangnyeom chicken...

Will explore their freezer section next... 


  1. Were those "Eo-mandu" Kat? That used be pretty fancy stuff.

    1. Dunno Kirk, it only said gimmari set :) Take care, Kat


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