Wednesday, January 22, 2025

this and that

This room with huge windows, is part of a condo, I actually saw someone walking around in there!

Must be warm in the winter and oven-ish in the summer

Parking skills
Tokyo People: tofu maker
Tokyo furry people: keeping warm
cute mail box
Not sure what was in the round wooden container, but thought it looked neat on the back of the moped
We tried Okita Seimai's sekihan, delicious!

The beef stew from Frou Frou surprised me, look at those big chunks of meat!

This time instead of mashed potato there was just a slice of potato in there.
The stew went nicely with the wine that V gave us...thank you!

chikin mu, love saying the tiny white cubes of pickled daikon that they sell at k-sozai 298 yen (tax included)

The yangnyeom chicken on this day was not as good as before…boo

when you don't read the recipe correctly...prepare to fail....that is what happened when I tried to make these oyaki from the imoya kinjiro pamphlet…dunno that I would try it again though, was kinda p.i.t.a.


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