Saturday, January 11, 2025

this and that

My friend J in Sendai sent us this box of frozen mochi filled with different creams (zunda, milk, matcha and hojicha) and zunda shakes.

Zunda is mashed soy beans that is sweetened.

Thank you J!
Tokyo People: how cute is this grandpa with his Hello Kitty bag!

Seen in Kagurazaka

Machida People: I was laughing at how this guy was sitting.

He’s an Uber Eats delivery guy

Thank you H and Greg! for the thoughtful care package.
Reconnected with this banana muffin from Paul. I hadn't been able to find it at any locations nearby, but found it in Machida!

As we passed, Satoshi was surprised when I turned around to go and buy some.

Sadly we've already eaten the two I purchased..

Miso senbei from Jinba, in Hachioji...sweet and!
Tokyo (furry) people: Tachiaigawa
Tokyo People: this guy was already tall, dunno why he had to wear elevated pink shoes!
Tokyo People: this one was already working on the 3rd!

It’s a 3 day weekend, have a safe one!


  1. The hotel I stayed in Sendai served the zunda like a deconstructed ohagi, or maybe like a sort of senzai...mochi in with the zunda paste in their breakfast buffet.
    v Very delicious. I even remember when Shirokiya had their Village Walk street level, there was a kiosk that sold zunda shakes and stuff. Sad that they're gone.

  2. Good lord, those platform shoes! Love the photo of the Shiba in the basket Kat!

    1. The Shiba inu was really cute, Kirk :) Take care, Kat


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