Saturday, February 01, 2025


Friday went to do some retail therapy at different antenna shops

I started at the Tottori/Okayama antenna shop and purchased some rakkyo and corn & curry dressing.

I heard about this dressing from Matsuko Deluxe's show...hoping it is tasty.

Trying some cookies from Ginza West...dry cake walnut and butter 

Hiroshima antenna shop...old favorites
Wanted to try this dashi & carrot dressing that I also heard about from he saneta Matsuko Deluxe show, from the Kochi antenna shop...and ginger "sauce" that we've tried before.
Godiva has a bakery!

everything, even the savory types have chocolate in them
Tried their curry pan...filled with slightly spicy curry and slightly sweet chocolate in it...different but would get this again
And their melon pan...buttery bread topped with a crunchy dark chocolate cookie topping.

Glad I was able to try these
Hokkaido Butter...have always wanted to try this.

Most times I am not going straight home though, so never wanted to risk it melting...this time around though I made sure that the Hokkaido antenna shop was my last stop.

Hoping this is tasty!


  1. Chocolate and curry pan! Sounds interesting Kat!

    1. definitely different but tasty, Kirk :) Take care, Kat

  2. "Retail therapy" so funny. That ginger thing looks interesting.

    1. The ginger is ono Jalna, put on eggs, on meats :) Take care, Kat


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