Wednesday, February 05, 2025

back to tatsumi

Saturday Satoshi wanted to eat at Kitchen Sumikko but they were full when we arrived, so instead of waiting outside in the cold, we went back to Tatsumi

This time I ordered their katsudon and Satoshi had their katsu curry, which I had the last time 

The katsudon was kind of on the dry side, but I appreciated that the eggs were cooked through, no runny whites

The sauce that they cooked the katsu and egg in was sweet salty and there was a lot on the bottom of the bowl so I asked for a spoon, ‘cuz I’m not so good with chopsticks 

Glad I tried this.


Anonymous said...

Been kinda craving katsudon lately and thinking I'll order the chicken katsu from L&L Liliha so I have leftover chicken katsu to make katsudon. I only have to find eggs, LOL You heard there's a shortage here.

jalna said...

My utensil of choice is chopsticks, but with some foods I just cannot.

KirkK said...

The Missus can't eat Katsudon out since I made the mistake of making it at home....sigh...

K and S said...

I saw the egg shortage, V! our egg prices are supposed to go up too because of bird flu. Take care, Kat

K and S said...

I cannot eat stuff with chopsticks when it is too liquidy 'cuz I balance it on the chopsticks, Jalna :) Take care, Kat

K and S said...

Kirk, you must be an awesome cook! Take care, Kat