Tuesday, February 18, 2025

oh em gee

Our building is planning to fix the fences that go around the building.

So yesterday, they started cutting all the camellia bushes....

And then this morning, pulled everything out!
Even chopping the kaki tree...and the camellia trees that are in the courtyard area

so sad...but I guess at least that krazy lady across the street cannot complain anymore about dried leaves flying over into her area...



  1. That's so sad Kat. But at least the crazy lady won't be going off anymore....of course folks like that always find something....

  2. there should be a law that greenery removed must be replaced. Climate change! CO2 filter!

    1. that's what they plan to do for those ginkgo trees near Jingu Stadium, V :( Take care, Kat

  3. I feel sick just hearing about it, and hear I am worried for anything that doesn't make it through winter.😭

    1. I hope you are doing well Rowena! Take care, Kat

  4. Sooo sad. Here at my sr. housing condo when we got a new manager, these busy bodies who have nothing better to do, hacked down all the hedges such as hibiscus. This gave us privacy from the busy street and now we're exposed to the world. Their excuse was it was over grown and it'll grow back better. No, it hasn't. In this concrete jungle they provided shade too in our courtyard. I complained to the manager but it's too late. If we had professionals do it, it would have been better. But 2 old ladies, nope it's ugly. -N


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