Friday, February 21, 2025

this and that

How are you doing?! It’s been fahreezing here, no snow though which makes me kinda sad, I mean if it is gonna be this cold I’d like to see at least a flurry

I’m scared for the people on the Japan Sea side, they have had non-stop snow! some cannot leave their houses, their rooftops are at its max for the amount of snow it can hold

And it looks like these conditions will only get worse in the coming years with global warming

Changing the subject, I was kinda shocked to see our Donki with cans of crab “just out”…aren’t these usually the ones that are locked up in Hawaii?!

oxalis glabra (I think), so pretty!
I wanna know how the bird (probably a crow) pooped on the pole & wall?!
keeping warm & zen
Valentine’s for Satoshi was a box of Fazer milk chocolates, he really enjoyed the ones I received from friend Lily, and I was able to find them at Tokyu, so I bought him a box.
Since Valentine’s is all for “the guys”, Kat bought her own Valentine' chocolates

keeping warm and zen

this ume tree in a nearby pocket park was so nice to see

The price of rice is still super high and there is still a shortage, so much so that they are planning to release several tons of the emergency rice...I wanna know who said that there was enough rice?! 

And I want the other guy who said that it is stuck somewhere to investigate to tell us exactly where it is stuck...we're thinking someone is stockpiling it so that they can jack up the price even higher...yesterday, on the news it was said that a huge amount was illegally sold to China...sigh

NOT Tokyo People...he sure bought a lot of figurine things! oops my finger!

so purple
Tokyo People: he looked like a delivery guy

another 3 day weekend coming up here...have a safe weekend.


  1. wait, aren't you supposed to make your own valentines sweet to give to your special one?
    Is this the kind of crab they use to make sushi? 5ooy so cheap!

    1. I not too sure if this is the kind of crab that they use to make sushi, V, but the price was cheap, yeah?! Take care, Kat

  2. Man, rice and eggs.....sheesh.....

  3. I don't understand why there's a rice shortage.

    1. somehow Jalna, the rice is not going through the proper channels...Take care, Kat


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