Thursday, May 18, 2006


If you haven't noticed by now, I love scones. I don't think I really ate them as frequently until I moved to Japan. (To tell you the truth, I don't think I was really into tea either, until I moved to Japan. While in Hawaii, the only brand of tea that I knew of, was...Lipton)

Japan which has been influenced by England and other european countries, has many tea shops and cafes which serve afternoon tea, which I think is also called high tea. To get a table at around 3 p.m. is sometimes ridiculous and you'll have to wait--sometimes for an hour or more!

Now, a bit more educated, I know other tea brands and types of tea and enjoy them with...scones and other sweet treats!

Anyway, I have finally found unsalted butter here! It was at a gourmet supermarket. So, with butter in hand, I decided to try making scones...again. I've made some in the past, and thought I had come up with the perfect one, but am going to take back what I said and go back to the kitchen (drawing board).

I tried the recipe that my Aunty gave me for lavender scones. What I did was cut the recipe in half (because my oven is teeny!), plus, I added a little chocolate chips and used heavy cream instead of buttermilk. They came out pretty good, except that I made them a bit too thin.

I also have a couple of recipes which I'm looking forward to trying out.

Hopefully all will turn out well, will keep you posted.


  1. Lavender scones sound great, now that i have culinary lavender! ';-)

  2. those look so yum. i wonder which are the NON culinary lavender.

  3. Hi Bea,

    Please do try the recipe.

    Hi Bourgogne,

    I hope you'll try the recipe too!

    Take care you two!


  4. I had to laugh when I read your comment about not being into tea until you got to Japan. I'm only just discovering the joys of tea so I completely understand.

    I'm surprised you have such a difficult time finding unsalted butter. If it's that hard to find I bet it's pretty expensive. You can bake with salted butter just reduce the amount of salt you add to your recipe.

    Glad to see that you're on a scone kick. I love scones! Great post!

  5. Hi Ivonne,

    I used to be only into coffee, but then when you taste some of the coffee here, you'll quickly switch to tea (I think the water is chlorinated in a lot of areas, which affects the taste of the coffee).

    Yes, it was quite expensive, but worth it! I've tried the salted version, and don't add any extra salt, but I found that whatever I was making would come out too salty.

    Thanks for stopping by!


  6. Just acquired some lavender and can't wait to try the recipe. Love making scones & eating them--and tea.

  7. Hi Fran,

    Please do try this.

    Take care and thanks for stopping by.



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