Tuesday, October 10, 2006

pears and scones

Well, the weather has been beautiful the past couple of days. Very cool in the evenings and mornings. I hope this will help the fall foliage. The past couple of years haven't been to pretty, in fact, some of the leaves dried up before it could change colors.

The other day, I received these HUGE pears called "Niitaka". If I'm not mistaken, these grow on the island of Shikoku in Kochi prefecture. I cut this one in half for our breakfast the other day. It is very crunchy and juicy. Thank you, Kazumi.

Before my foodie adventure the other day, I made some lavender scones for my breakfast on the train. I had bought this packaged mix from Alii Kula Lavender when I was home this past April. This mix is so easy and fast, just add the water amount on the package and bake. Delicious!

Well, this week will be a short one, hope you are having a good one.


  1. I have not heard of these pears.....And they do look rather large and juicy! Happy adventures and cooking!

  2. Hi Jann,

    These were very juicy and quite sweet.

    Your blog is so nice!

    Take care and thanks for stopping by.


  3. That nashi looks lovely. I used to make tarts out of those.

  4. Hi Liz,

    How did your tarts used to turn out when you used the nashi? I'm thinking these would be kind of liquidy.

    Take care.


  5. Mmmm those pears are enormous! And turned into scones I'm sure they were great

  6. Oh no, Brilynn,
    These pears were eaten as is. The scones were made from lavender.

    Take care.


  7. I have to get over my dislike of baking with pears so that I can try these!

    Beautiful, Kat!

  8. Oh no Ivonne, I didn't bake these. But I hope you get a chance to bake some. :)

    Take care.



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