Monday, October 09, 2006

satoshi's tokyo adventure

Saturday, the weather was perfect...sunny! The day before seemed like an awful nightmare.

We got ready to go to visit the ballpark that Satoshi had played on and practiced at during his college days.

When we got there, we were surprised to find out that they were having a closing ceremony for the field! Satoshi was surprised, but very happy that we were able to see the field before the bulldozers tore it up.

After the ceremony, we walked around the neighborhood to visit a dry cleaner that Satoshi often visited during college. We were surprised to find out that they were no longer in business because the man passed away. Luckily we were able to visit with his wife for a bit.

We then took a taxi to an area near Satoshi's old apartment. It had been almost 20 years since the last time he had been in the area and a lot had changed. Luckily, we were able to find the barber shop that he frequented. The woman running the place knew Satoshi as soon as he walked in. They hugged and chatted about this and that. He had a nice visit with her.

Our last stop was to a coffee shop in Asagaya. Again, it had been almost 20 years since he visited and the area had a changed a lot. We finally found the place and the owners were just about to lock up for their dinner break. Luckily we were able to visit with them and Satoshi had a nice time reminiscing.

I'm glad we were able to visit the field before it was dug up and that we were able to meet all the people that he wanted to re-connect with. We send them New Years cards (like Christmas cards) every year, but it was nice to be able to see them face to face.

Have nice week.


  1. What nostalgia eh? Always nice to visit old stomping grounds one last time before it's gone, gone, gone!

  2. That's so nice he got to go back, and meet up with people he used to know. :)

  3. Hi Rowena and TM,

    Yes we felt blessed to have been able to re-connect.

    Hope you are enjoying the weekend.



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