Friday, November 17, 2006

blueberry-cashew scones and a new blog

Every 15th of each month, a bake shop in our shopping arcade gives away a dish or bowl if you purchase 600yen worth of merchandise or more.

During August, the bake shop had an ad showing what giveaways were coming up for the rest of the year--October through December caught my au lait bowls!

In most interior/kitchenware shops, cafe au lait bowls have been priced at about 1000 yen or so. Hopefully you can understand my excitement to get them for about 600yen's worth, give or take.

I decided that we should initiate our cafe au lait bowls along with some scones for breakfast...I wanted to try making them using cashews and blueberries. I used this recipe for the scones and added 1/4 cup dried blueberries and 1/4 cup unsalted roasted cashews.

After measuring out all the dry ingredients, I added the blueberries and cashews. Then added the cream and followed the rest of the recipe.

NOTES: the cashew and blueberry combination went well in the scones and with the cafe au lait.

I also wanted to mention that I've started a new blog, which displays my crafts called My Craft Adventures. It includes a lot of my beading from 3 years ago--when I first started. If you're interested, please check it out.


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