Tuesday, December 12, 2006


There is a shopping mall about five minutes by car, 15 minutes by bus from our apartment called Visola. They have a movie theatre complex, fitness center and large supermarket, Carrefour, plus many small boutiques and shops.

Satoshi and I went to watch a movie there this morning, had lunch and then had dessert at Hiro.

Hiro has many cafes around Osaka and the one in our neighborhood is the one we often frequent on weekends.

The dessert we tried was called "Provence" and looked like a little snow ball. The outside is a fluffy mousse-like meringue with a caramel and milk chocolate top.

The inside was a layer of cake with lots of orange zest and orangey syrup and a layer of caramel custard. This cake went well with the Sumatra Mandheling coffee that I ordered.

UPDATE: as of November 2011, Hiro and Carrefour are no longer at Visola.


  1. Such a cute little cake! It brakes my heart to see it cut apart! But heck, if I had it in front of me, I'd do it without hesitation, because I won't be able to resist eating it! =P

  2. It was really cute, Monique, but really delicious! :)

    Take care.


  3. wow, i didn't know they have carrefour in japan?

    the dessert sounds just like my cup of tea, orange, chocolate and a tad of caramel. :)

  4. Yes, Ilingc, we have Carrefour, but it is mostly a Japanese supermarket, more than a French one :(

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Take care.


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