Tuesday, January 23, 2007

chocolate finds

Having only been here for 3 days...these are some of the chocolatey things that I've found so far....

While browsing in a bookstore, they had a deck of chocolate by Lori Longbotham. 50 chocolatey recipes, with beautiful, eye-catching photos...hmmm...which one to start with...

In Neiman Marcus...Vosges' exotic bars in: Oaxaca-- 75% cacao with oaxacan guajillo & pasilla chilies, Tanzanian bittersweet chocolate, Goji --41% cacao with Tibetan goji berries, pink Himalayan salt, deep milk chocolate and Calindia-- 66% cacao with Indian green cardamom, organic California walnuts, dried plums and Venezuelan dark chocolate.

Also in Neiman Marcus, Mariebelle's Spicy Hot Chocolate --63% cacao with cinnamon, nutmeg and chipotle. I've seen several reviews of this and had to get some for myself.

And the spread that mostly everyone has been blogging about...Nutella.

I have two more months here, I wonder what else I'll be able to find...

p.s. having not had turkey for Thanksgiving, I went to Paradise Bakery, in the Food Court of Ala Moana Shopping Center to have their turkey with cranberry sauce sandwich. I didn't realize it, but this is a franchise company from the mainland...still, the sandwich was delicious and it also came with two cookies!


  1. Wondering when you would find new chocolate stuff!

  2. that is a LOT of chocolate! Make sure to hang on to your Nutella for the Nutella food blog event in a few weeks :D

  3. he he, Nate...

    ooh a nutella event...thanks Ellie!

    Take care you two!


  4. Wow, so much chocolate stuff. Is that to eat when you miss your hubby too much during these months away?

  5. Hey Kat! Glad you are enjoying your stay. Wow in a short time you were able to do a lot! Don't forget to try the Garlic Spicy Chicken while you're in town. Ono!!! Have FUN!

  6. Are you having a chocolate attack-? Have fun!

  7. I'm hoping to enjoy these when I get back to Osaka, but you never know Monique.

    Where was the garlic chicken at Laura? I forgot.

    No chocolate attack...YET, Jann, but I think I may feel on coming on soon.

    Take care!


  8. Try En Fuengo in Kapolei. I'm not sure if there are other places but everyone seems to like that place. You can try other local places like L&L, Loco Moco, etc. Take care.

  9. ahha, you are so funny when it comes to hunting chocolate down ;-)

  10. he he, Bea...what can I say, I LOVE chocolate!

    Take care.

  11. That Vosges chocolate with goji berries and pink Himalayan salt is simply spectacular -- thanks for reminding me that I need to pick up another bar (or 10)!

  12. I was going to wait until I got back to Japan to try these, NS, but since you recommend them so highly, I think I'll have to have them while I'm here!

    Take care.



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