Monday, January 22, 2007


In our family, Sundays mean gathering for dinners together. Growing up, my mom, and her two sisters would take turns making the meal and we would go over to each other's houses to eat. Since there were 5 adults and 4 children, the children usually had a special table all of their own, called what else, the "kid's table", here the 4 of us would get to eat alongside the adults then hang around the "adult table" to hear all of their chatting and gossip. When our grandparents came for a visit, things got even more lively.

As we got older though, most of us moved away for college and work. But the gathering rituals still continue to this day.

In Japan, most families do not get together with their families unless it is a special occasion, which is why coming home is really special.

Tonight was no exception, and although there were only 5 of us, it was still a nice gathering and we all got to catch up on things.

Here's what we had: (sorry the pictures are a bit dark)
tofu (soy bean curd) salad with taegu (Korean-style cuttlefish), cucumbers and tomatoes.

Corned beef and cabbage with onions

And konbu maki (pork, carrots and gobo (burdock) wrapped with konbu (kelp) and tied with kampyo (dried gourd), my mom also threw in some araimo or satoimo (dasheen).

Lots of good food and conversation...Sundays.

It's great to be home, hope you have a great week!


  1. Hi, I randomly found your blog & I was so happy to see the photos of good food. I love food! Hope you update your blog with more pictures & maybe recipes. A lot of the Japanese ingredients you mention are very familiar to me since I'm 3rd generation Japanese Canadian. But I, sadly, do not know how to cook Japanese food.


  2. yum as usual. the sunday gathering thing is so french! you are meant to come live in france at least for a while, i think ;-)

  3. Family gathering is always nice.

  4. I like a lot when you compare your culture to the Japanese one. I love to hear about it!

  5. Welcome Teresa, I hope you will be able to learn more about cooking Japanese food.

    He he Bourgogne, I think I may have to move to France soon! There are too many foodie opportunities there.

    Hi Sue, Yes, family gatherings are always nice.

    I like when you talk about your culture too, Bea!

    Thanks for visiting everyone!

    Take care.

  6. It is always nice to be back with the family. Hope you're having lots of fun!

  7. Kat, I'll be reliving the island life through you! Eat lots of great food (like you already have!) and have a great time!! I'm still wishing that I was back home. :-(

  8. Your Sunday ritual sounds so heart-warming. Makes me feel a bit guilty about not visiting my parents more often.

    Your konbu maki sounds very interesting. I love satoimo in simmered dishes.
    Looking forward to reading more and more about your stay in Hawaii. Have a great time! :D

  9. Enjoy those special meals and happy occassions-how wonderful! Looks like it was a great meal as well as good conversation!Cheers!

  10. Yes Monique, I'm enjoying myself :)

    Hopefully, I'll be able to go to the places I have on my "to try list", Rowena!

    Thank you Obachan & Jann!

    Thanks for stopping by everyone!
    Take care.


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