Friday, January 12, 2007

foodie friday

Today I had to run a few errands, on the way I stopped into my favorite bread shop, Abientot. I've posted about this place before here and here.

Today, I bought 2 sandwiches, a proscuitto with pumpkin on walnut and raisin baguette, and a chicken mozzarella with tomato and basil on plain baguette. I cut each in half so that I could try both and have the leftovers for lunch tomorrow! Delicious!

Also along the way, I also stopped in at the gourmet supermarket and found this....Venchi's chocaviar (chocolate caviar)! I had recently read about it on Slashfood, so I was happy to find it here in Japan! It is a 90% South American cacao dusted with 90% cocoa powder. On one website, it said that it is nice to spread onto toast, I think this might also be nice on ice cream or something.

Yesterday, I found these rather huge oranges in the supermarket. They are called iyokan and come from Ehime prefecture on the island of Shikoku. These are larger than the mikan (tangerine) that I normally buy, but since they were fairly cheap, I couldn't pass it up. The inside is seedless and quite sweet.

I zested the skins and added it to my bread dough along with cashews, almonds, dried cranberries and dried blueberries...delish!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Wow, lots of food pictures! I just had some pizza for dinner, but your pictures make my mouth watering.

    Chocaviar sounds interesting though, it looks bitter. :) But it is sweet, right?

  2. Hi Sue,

    The caviar is quite bitter, so I think it might be nice on something sweet.

    Have a nice weekend!

  3. Chocolate caviar? Could they possibly invent anything more indulgent? And using it on top of ice cream sounds like a good idea...or perhaps baked into some sweetish cookies?

  4. Oooh, kabocha slices on a sandwitch? Why didn't I think of that? YUM!

  5. Chocolate caviar? That sounds decadent.
    Have a nice weekend too.

  6. i wonder what kind of recipe using the chocolate caviar, it looks so good!

  7. Hi Ellie, I think adding it to something sweet or baking it into something sweet will match it too.

    Hi Sera, Maybe you could re-create this sandwich, it was really good.

    Hi Monique, very decadent indeed.

    Hi Eliza, When I use it, I'll be sure to post about it :)

    Thanks for stopping by everyone!
    Take care.

  8. I'm intrigued by the chocaviar, I'd never heard of it before!

  9. beautiful photos and very interesting to my list!

  10. Thank you Jann, the caviar apparently comes in other percentages, hopefully you can find some where you are!

    Take care.

  11. Hello everyone. The Chocaviar comes in two versions - 90% and 75%.

    It is best savoured with a tea-spoon and a glass of red wine on the side.

    Here is the firm producing it: Venchi

    Bye :)

  12. Hi Anon,

    I didn't know that it also came in 75%.

    Thanks for the info.

    Take care.


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