Thursday, January 11, 2007

hey...look down!

When you walk around, are you only looking at the scenery or do you look down at the ground sometimes? Well, in Osaka, I've found that you should look down at the ground. No, you will not find money on the ground (rarely will you ever!), but you will be able to by-pass all of the poo that is left by many pooches' owners (who are too lazy to pick it up...shame on you guys!) and you'll also see some interesting manhole cover art.

Rant aside...This is the manhole cover for our city, Minoo. It features our waterfall, Minoo-taki and the momiji (maple leaves) that Minoo is famous for.

The city next to us, Ikeda, has a picture of a bird. Someone handpainted this one, which makes it a little easier to see.

And from another neighboring city, Suita, the expo of 1970's symbol is in the center called Taiyonoto or Tower of the Sun, which was designed by an artist named Okamoto Taro.

I also found an interesting Japanese website which lists photos and a little explanation of all the manhole covers of all the cities within Osaka prefecture here (actually when you look through the whole site they list most of the manhole covers for the different prefectures throughout Japan and a few abroad!)

Pretty interesting stuff!


  1. That's very cool, Kat! Only a perceptive eye like yours would pick up on this!

  2. Ok, so this is going to be a somewhat cheesy reference, which usually I'm against, but I hope you will see my point...
    This post reminded me of the movie Serendipity, (sappy and therefore not good in my books, and actually, now that I think about it, this might not even be from this movie, but I'm going to pretend it was) I don't remember the exact details but there was something about how there are playing cards all over the place but most people don't notice them, but once you see one, you start seeing them everywhere, you just have to have your eyes open... ok, long comment, not making sense, sleep now... good.

  3. Thanks Ivonne and er...thanks Brilynn...

    Take care you two!

  4. It's really interesting. Smart Japanese people!
    I think it is a very unique idea for each city to have a manhole that can represent city's characteristics.

    Does Japan have some kind of manhole day tour package or something? If they don't, they should. :)

  5. I don't think there is a tour, Sue. But that would be a nice idea for people interested in this :)

    Take care.

  6. ohhh thats kinda cool and creative! pity i only got a bunch of scribbles when i clicked on the link. thanks for pointing them out kat, i'll be sure to watch out for them when i visit japan. :)

  7. Sorry you only got a bunch of scribbles, Ilingc! Hopefully you'll get to experience it first hand when visiting!

    Take care.

  8. i didn't realize for a while but in some ways japan is very much like france! not sure if the japanese would appreciate my comment but i also wrote a lot about the dog poo problem in france and i've also written about manhole covers! unless we are simply on a wave of collective consciousness :) though, those manhole covers in japan are a lot prettier and perhaps cleaner than the ones here hahaha!

  9. I think great minds think alike, Bourgogne! The poo problem must be worldwide = lazy owners!

    Take care.

  10. Ahh, these are such a good idea! I think little beautiful things like this can help to brighten up a city!

  11. We definitely need more nice things in the city, Ellie!

    Take care.

  12. I had no idea that japan was like France in that way, ie dog poo. Poor you! Nice art, indeed Kat.h

  13. Thanks Bea! I'm sure you'll enjoy the art part of Japan!

    Take care.

  14. The last time I was in Japan I noticed the manhole covers and got pictures of four of them. You can see them at if you scroll down the page.

    The link that you gave with the manhole covers had three of them, but it didn't have the one from downtown Osaka. I guess it was made after '98? I wish I saw the sheep one when I was there.

    Downtown Seattle also has a few interesting manhole covers, including one with a map of downtown.

  15. I'll check out your site, Iamjack'sbrain. Thanks for stopping by!

    Take care.


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