Sunday, May 06, 2007

odds & ends

Last year, I posted about these dried tart fuji apples. Well, I think I may have found a similar product in Japan. These dried apples are imported by Kanebo foods. But at 168yen (about $1.70) per bag it is a bit expensive, especially since there are only 4 pieces! Oh well, it was nice to find them here.

Before coming back from Hawaii, I found these dark chocolate covered mac nuts dusted in cocoa powder made by Mauna Loa. BFF told me not to put them into the refrig as the cocoa gets kind of funky when it comes out of the refrig....with the weather warming up I guess I'll have to eat them up soon!

A flower that is in bloom here are there is the fuji (wisteria). There are purple fuji, which we found at a local park.

And white fuji, which we found at Otokunidera. I'm not sure if they have a fragrance, but they look really dainty.

This morning Satoshi had to go to work, so I made him a chili moco (well, almost). A local eatery in Hawaii, Zippy's, came up with the idea. Rice with their famous chili, a hamburger patty, their mac salad sauce on top of the patty and then an egg (ordered to your liking). I didn't realize their chili moco was this intense until I googled it. Mine was sans the patty and the sauce. I'll have to try making this again sometime....

Lastly, I wanted to share with you a new wine that I found. Since Australia is nearby, I've noticed that there are a lot of Aussie wines in the stores these days. Made by a company called Barokes, they have 3 types (Rose, Chardonnay Semillon, Cabernet Shiraz Merlot) and 2 versions (with or without bubbles). They are about a cup and a half and perfect for picnics.

Well, it is a rainy Sunday and Satoshi is at work. I'm debating what to do today...hope you are staying dry and enjoying the weekend where you are.


  1. Wisterias are really nice. I love their look and I have always wanted to make a beaded one! ;)

  2. ooh, I can't wait to see your beaded version, Beadexplorer.

    Take care.


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