Friday, November 23, 2007

being thankful

Thanks for all the great comments you posted about on the last entry.

I had a post all ready for Thanksgiving, but have had all the energy sucked out of me.

See, our place was broken into last night. I came home to part of the door broken and the door locked. I rang the doorbell thinking that Satoshi had come home and locked me out.

The cops think that I may have scared the guy out.

Luckily, only some of our jewelry and $$ were taken and no one was hurt. I'm really thankful for this.

Still, I'm freaking out. Hope to be back to normal soon. Take care.


  1. What a horrible thing to happen! I'm so sorry for your terrible experience, but am very grateful that you and your husband were not hurt. I understand that you must feel like you have lost your equilibrium and sense of security right now, but try to give yourself time to regain you sense of normalcy...Please take care of yourself.

  2. Hi Kat - I'm so sorry that you've had to be the victim of such a dreadful act. But, I'm glad, well, make that thankful that you both are safe.

  3. Oh, how scary. I've had my home broken into several times in places I've lived before and it makes you feel so vulnerable. Hope you are feeling safe again soon.

  4. Hi Kat! Sorry for the late reply but I want to thank you for the advice. I'm actually planning to go to UH next year so I think I will take your suggestion into consideration.

    I found it interesting that you said people there wouldn't really hold doors for you. Most people here think that Japanese people are very considerate and polite. :)

    Thanks for answering all my questions and I wish you a happy thanksgiving!

    PS. I found it strange that you mention someone broke into your house today. Yesterday, a neighbor came by and told my parents that he was robbed. Luckily, he was not hurt. What a strange coincidence isn't it? I hope you and your husband are well. Thank you again for your help Kat. I'll be sure to email you if I have anymore questions. ^^

    - Haruko

  5. They busted through the metal door? Doors here are usually steel. SHould have been noisy!

  6. Sh** Kat! I am glad that you're okay, but sorry that your place was broken into. Take care!

  7. Omg! That would have been scary! Thank goodness nothing happened to you.

    Hope you feel better soon. Take care.

  8. I'm so glad that you're alright! I can only imagine how freaked out you must be! Hugs and take care!

  9. Thanks for your words of support and concern. They broke the mailbox that is built into the door and used a bar to unlatch the lock. It is amazing no one heard the mail box fall because it is metal. Anyway, we're doing fine, but I wish I had my appetite back...I guess that will take some time.

    Thanks again for your support, it is times like this that I wish I were home (Hawaii).

    Take care.

  10. I'm so happy you are ok Kat! I am totally shocked because I always thought Japan was a safe place. I felt so secure when I visited there this year! But I guess no where is perfect and crime free. I'm so thankful you are ok and nothing irreplaceable was lost.

  11. So sad to hear about that, honestly before i never heard of stories " of people breaking in" to steal they say japanese are too polite and honest..but a friend's house too has been robbed..since then on we were more careful...anyways i agree with you its better to look on the bright side..we have plenty of reasons to be thankful might be late but Happy thanksgiving day. :-)

  12. Glad you are safe. Must have have a spotter outside that warned the person inside that you were returning. You were cased out before. Or did the person go over your balcony railing to escape.

    I don't have a mailbox in the door here. Actually have a security lobby downstairs. But I find it hard to see that the person broke into your place through the mailbox and went out the same way. Had to have been in the apartment since the door was locked (he/she locked it) when you came home. Scary!!!

  13. Thanks everyone! I'm starting to feel a little better. I don't want to ruin anyone's impression about Japan, it is still pretty safe here.

    The locksmith said that there are groups of Asians (Chinese, etc.) that are hitting many homes/apartments, they work in groups of like 5 or more! He said if it was an Asian that they probably won't return, though if it was a Japanese, they may return....scary!!

    I don't think the guy/girl jumped from our lanai as we are on the 3rd floor.

    Anyway, I'll probably be back to posting soon.

    Thanks for all your emails and comments, I really do appreciate all the support.

  14. Don't know if you remember the Vietnamese guys in Honolulu who would climb the outside of condos and enter through unlocked lanai doors.

  15. Oh my poor you. Take care. I bet it must be quite traumatic.

  16. Hi Kat,

    I haven't read your blog in a few days, and I was so shocked to read about this scary experience you and your husband had to go through!

    I'm just glad you two did not get hurt.

    Kat, a hug from your friend in Tokyo!


  17. Glad you are okay Kat! Yes and thankful that no one was hurt. Hang in there! Laura

  18. hello, just dropping by checking on you :-) hope everything is ok..can't wait for your posts jia ne..

  19. I am so shocked to know that you've had your home broken into by someone last week. Sorry this comment was a little out of date, but I haven't visited your blog for a few months and didn't know about it until today....I'm so happy you and your husband are okay. I hope that you are feeling better now. Please take care.

  20. I'm glad to hear that you are safe at the very least! It's terribly unfortunate that an incident like that occurred, but thank god you are alright! I hope you and Satoshi are feeling better :)

  21. Wow, when I read about your troubles I had to double-check my own windows and sliding doors. Looking forward to reading more about your adventures againg, as you get your bearings back.

    Take care.

  22. I am so sad to hear this~this must have been so scary for you~it happened to us once in Colorado. I guess it does not matter where you live, the same sort of crap happens everywhere and to everyone.I am terrible sorry you had to go thru this ordeal but thankful you are safe~Jann

  23. Oh my goodness.

    How do you deal with that?

    Good reaction ringing the bell.

    Kia kaha! Be strong:)

  24. thanks for scaring the bejeezus out of me with that last comment, Nate! :0

    Thanks Bea, Mari, Laura, Dhanggit, Mihoko, Kathy, Martin, Jann & Tamakikat!

    Take care.

  25. Oh my goodness, Kat! I'm so sorry to hear that your place was broken into but so happy to hear that you're okay and safe.

    That must be a terrible feeling ... but I'm thankful that you and Satoshi are alright.

    I'm sending you a big hug!

  26. Thanks Creampuff!

    Take care.


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