Saturday, December 01, 2007


The word in Japanese for a burglary is akisu (which literally means open nest). Apparently, the end of the year is a popular time for burglaries--probably all around the world?

With the recent break-in into our apartment, I've been cleaning. Somehow cleaning helps take my mind off of things while in a sense it was probably helping me "clean" out all the bad chi (energy).

The management guy came to fix the mail box on our door and said he will pass out flyers to the other residents to let them know about our break-in. He said it was the first time he's come across a burglary that entered through the mail box. They apparently stuck a pole through the hole from the broken mail box and used it to unlatch the lock. Since another apartment was recently vacated, he took their mail box and attached it to our door.

The locksmith came to put in another lock. I can't tell you how much relief I felt after having the lock put in.

In Hawaii, usually one lanai door is stationary, but in Japan, when unlocked, both doors move. We also put in some reinforcements for the lanai door. Though we live on the 3rd floor, you just never know...

So as we approach the end of the year, the bad elves are out in force waiting to ruin our holiday cheer. We just all have to keep an eye out for each other and try to keep the bad elves out of our castles.

Thanks for all of your words of support, they really helped me get back on track....back to the kitchen I go!

UPDATE (2/20/08): they indeed caught the burglars, 4 Chinese. They also had some items on them, so Satoshi will be going to the police to see if any of our items were found.


  1. Kat that is awful. I hope you are feeling better now. Someone tried to break into house once when we were asleep in bed. We could hear them talking as they were taking the window out. We set our alarm off and they ran away without taking anything. It was ages before I felt safe again.

  2. I am glad you are starting to recover! i understand that things like these are not so easy to forget..i remember last summer on the same building that we are living there were break-ins in all our three neighbors..since we are living on the last floor..we were luckily spared..we have to change everything the locks..we even took pictures of all our important belongings so that it will be easier for us to deal with our insurance company if ever we would be the next...anyways we are so eager to see you back in your kitchen again :-)..gambatte ne

  3. Oh my goodness! You poor thing - being burgled is one of the most unnerving experiences you can go through, it takes awhile to feel safe in the place that is meant to be your sanctuary from the world again :/ I'm glad that nobody was hurt, and I hope you and Satoshi are coping OK with the intrusion!

    Ellie @ Kitchen Wench

  4. Thanks Nate!

    Gosh, that is scary Barbara! lucky those bad guys were scared off. I understand about having to take time to feel safe.

    Glad to hear you were spared, Dhanggit! Not a good feeling to be broken-into.

    Thanks Ellie, I'm taking things one day at a time. :)

    Take care everyone.

  5. I'm reading this late. Sorry to read that you were burglarized. I hope it doesn't happen again. I'm sending you good thoughts.


  6. Thanks for the good thoughts, Paz. I'm taking it one day at a time.

    Take care.


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