Sunday, December 09, 2007


Saturday was a beautiful day. We headed out to Arashiyama, which is on the West side of Kyoto prefecture.

Though most of the fall foliage had fallen, we were able to catch a glimpse of what was left.

Have a good week.

UPDATE: We got a phone call from the police in Kobe, apparently they caught a group of 5 Chinese, ages ranging from 20-25 in a burglary, the police have their incident information on-line, so our incident was also noted. I felt funny talking to the police officer over the phone...well, because you just never know. (we really need to get caller i.d.!) Anyway, the police turned out to be legit and they are gathering more info. Hopefully these are the guys. It is too bad that they didn't have any of our stuff on them at the time.


  1. Hi Kat!

    Really sorry to learn that you've had some bad luck recently. But so happy to see that you've now gotten over the incident and are back cooking in the kitchen!

    Japan is such a pretty place, thank you for always sharing your experience and photos. =)

    Happy holidays!

  2. Thanks Monique! I am still afraid when coming home, but I'm trying to get through it day by day.

    Take care.

  3. It will be great if you get your stolen goods returned Kat.

  4. I hope so too, Barbara, though I won't hold my breath.

    Take care.

  5. Hi Kat,

    Arashiyama, sounds so nice! Arashiyama is not very far from where I live in Kyoto, but I did not make it over there this year to see the autumn colors. So, thank you for putting some photos up on your sites!


  6. You are welcome, Peko!

    Next year for sure :)

    Take care.

  7. i've never been to arashiyama but im sure my husband did..he studied in kyoto for a year :-)

    good heaven!!!they are quite fast in capturing them...:-)

  8. We're hoping that these are the guys, Dhanggit.

    Take care.


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