Sunday, December 02, 2007


I wanted to share with you something that will keep you warm on those chilly days. Soba.

When I lived in Hawaii, I never really liked Hello Kitty, or Kitty-chan as she is known here. But, after moving here, there is something mysterious about her that gets you hooked--and she's everywhere!

I recently found a kamaboko (steamed fishcake) made by Kibun. I think they make this for mom's who want to add something extra to their kids' bento (boxed lunches). There was also a Mickey and a Minnie kamaboko too.

After checking the maker's website, I was bummed to find out that the market I bought it at was selling it at a high price than the estimated retail price....sigh.

I cooked up some soba. Diluted 1/4 cup of pre-made soba sauce with hot water and added green onions and a dash of shichimi (Japanese 7-spice). Kind of spooky seeing so many faces looking at you, but it was a nice, light lunch.

Have a nice week!


  1. KAWAIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Isn't she? Bourgogne?! :)

    Take care.

  3. Don't get sucked in!! It's a trap from which you can never escape...


  4. I'll keep that in mind, Hello Kitty Hell!

    Isn't it, Barbara?

    Take care you two.

  5. I think your grand-daughter may like it though, Nate!

    Take care.

  6. O-M-G !!

    That IS amazing! Of course you see a lot of that in Japan, but those REALLY are Kitty-chan!

    Impeccably made kamaboko!

    Yeah, eating a kawai Kitty-chan, must be a little spooky.

    By the way, where did you purchase them?

    Have a nice week too!

    Peko Peko

  7. Hi Peko peko,

    I found these at the supermarket in the kamaboko area. I hope you can find some in Kyoto.

    Take care.

  8. oh my god!! i love those kamaboko kittychan i want to have one.. you think it will survive travelling..if i ask my japanese friend to send me??

  9. hmmm, it just may be able to travel to France, Dhanggit. p.s. the Christmas version was in the store today when I went shopping. :)

    Take care.

  10. That's neat. It looks like you put a bunch of Hello Kitty erasers into your soba!

  11. Thank goodness it didn't taste like erasers, Rick!

    Take care.

  12. That is too cute! I wonder if they will bring that over to hawaii..

  13. I love soba noodles, but have never eaten them with little Hello Kitty faces sprinkled over top! How cute ... and kind of creepy, actually, but mostly cute!

  14. I know they sell the Kibun brand in Hawaii, Jenny, maybe you should give them a call??

    Thanks Tania!

    Take care you two.

  15. it's a really cute kamaboko tho' locally the fish cakes we have are plain and boring. during chinese new year, they did make some pig face fish cakes for sales. really cute, but it's just the appeal factor and no enhancement to the taste.

  16. Actually the flavor doesn't change with the HK faces on the kamaboko, Piccola, though I guess it makes it nice to look at.

    Take care.


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