Thursday, December 18, 2008

using more kinoko

Recently on La Fuji Mama, she posted about a creamy pasta that is a favorite in their household.

This reminded me that I hadn't made this recipe in awhile. I also had bought some Italian parsley that I wanted to use up.

Since kinoko (mushrooms) are in season here, I decided to adjust the recipe to accommodate some kinoko.

I lessened the amount of pancetta and added a package of shimeji (tricoloma) & a package of maitake (hen of woods).

We had the pasta with some carrot salad topped with marinated onions.

It was a great Sunday dinner.


  1. one can't go wrong with mushrooms and pasta! looks so good - did you use olive oil at all to toss the pasta?

  2. Grace,
    no, just olive oil in the sauce :)

    Take care.

  3. yum! what did you use for the sauce?

  4. garlic, tomatoes, pancetta, mushrooms, olive oil & cream, Phoebe.

    Take care.

  5. Oh yum! It's only 6:45am and I already want pasta! Bad news for the rest of the day...

  6. Maybe you could have some pasta for breakfast, Fuji Mama :)

    Take care.

  7. I also love adding mushrooms into different kinds of dishes. I have a big bottle of various dehydrated ones. Super easy to soak and use in anything!

  8. Yum!--you just reminded me I forgot to use up my CSA mushrooms this week. Have to check and see if they are still OK. You have me craving mushroom pasta now!

  9. I hope they will be okay, Deb :)

    Dried mushrooms are so easy to use, Lori, I have some too :)

    Take care you two.


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