Wednesday, July 01, 2009

hawaii sights and eats

Lunch on Monday was from Ba-Le, I love their food...banh mi filled with those pickled veggies, spring rolls (which they call lumpia which is what I think the Filipino call their spring rolls), summer rolls (the ones that aren't fried) and the nuoc cham (spicy sweet and sour sauce).

This plate from Ba-Le included a 1/3 of a roast chicken banh mi, 2 lumpia and their salad and noodles...only US$5.50 cheap, so good and so filling. (Actually I had this the last time I was home and the price went up fifty cents but it was still a good deal!)

After lunch, I noticed this guy on our fence. There are many anole running around our house, eating all the bugs. This is the true "spiderman". This picture was from inside the house.

This one from outside. My dad was impressed with how upclose and personal the lense of the camera was.


  1. Funny that now when I see US$$, I think in euros, and that meal would be a steal at almost 4 euros. That's cheaper than cappuccino, oj and pastries at a cafe!

  2. I think in yen so it doesn't surprise me that you think in euros Rowena :) I am missing the cafe atmosphere a bit!

    Take care.

  3. Hey Kat - I haven't seen an Anole in years......

  4. Thanks Kirkk, my aunty told me it was an anole too, I changed my post :)

    Take care.

  5. We have a lot of those chameleons in our yard also. They are really quick! Those pics of the chameleon came out pretty clear.

  6. Ah Ba-Le, one of my favorite places to grab a quick lunch--for cheap and quick their Pho isn't bad either.

  7. Thanks Laura :)

    ooh didn't even think to look for pho on the menu Deb, will have to the next time :)

    Take care you two.

  8. Did you used to just call them ALL "lizards" when you were little? It wasn't until I started working in the tourist industry that "gecko's" came into my vocab:)

    Oh darn - I missed eating lumpia! What a great price for all that - even for the mainland.

  9. yup Deb, "lizards" was what I used to call them. anole was never in my vocab at all :P you gotta stay longer next time, so you can get some lumpia :9

    Take care.

  10. Hi Kat. Yes, we Filipinos call those lumpia. We have a lot of variations of lumpia we also have the fresh one (uncooked) , we have "turon" which has a sliced banana inside then deep fried. I will feature that next in my blog.

  11. ooh I've eaten the ones fried with banana in the middle those are delicious Mikuru :9

    Take care.

  12. Hi Kat,

    I was just being indecisive with what I wanted to eat for lunch when I decided to visit your blog. Consequently, I took a little walk over the Ba-Le by HPU (since I work downtown) and had myself a lemongrass chicken bahn mi. In the words of Rachael Ray - yum-o!

  13. Ooh I've had that before Shirley and liked it too :)

    Take care.


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