Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Our visit with MIL went "okay", she gave us many food items, some that we were happy to receive and some not so happy to.

She still had food from her osechi, so we ended up eating that.

Whenever we visit her, she gives Satoshi lots of beer to drink, then he takes a L-O-N-G nap, leaving me to listen to my MIL's endless rants and chatter.

I try to help her in the kitchen, but her kitchen is so small, I usually feel like a bull in a china shop.

She also treats us more like guests than family. We tell her that we don't need to be served on fancy dishes/plates, but she takes them out and feeds us from them.

I know that because she lives alone, she doesn't have someone to listen to her everyday, but still, from the time we arrive until the time we leave, she is chattering away.

On top of all of that, the trains are usually crowded going to and from Kyoto and we end up standing the whole way. (which is about an hour one way)

When we come home I am usually pooped, mentally...I mean, Japanese isn't my first language. After living in Japan for 8 years, Japanese comes rather easily, but still my brain does tire trying to process it all.

Over the holidays, my BIL got my MIL a cell phone, it "just so happens" to be the same company that I have, since we are with the same cell company, calls to each other are free...I have a feeling I may be receiving many a call from her cell...

Thanks for listening, I feel better.

Today the weather is gloomy, need some sun....hope you have a great week!


  1. Ah, family. Can't live with them, can't live without them.

  2. Oh my goodness.... I can only imagine.... I hope you get some recovery time.

  3. Sounds like a challenging day to be sure - hope today is a better one!

  4. Thanks Suze, I try.

    Me too Kirk, me too.

    Thanks Linny, it was okay despite the rain :)

    Take care everyone.

  5. Glad we are in the same club Jalna :)

    Take care.

  6. Oh dear goodness. All cell phones have caller ID right????

  7. ha ha Deb, yes they do ;)

    Take care.

  8. I think what made me cringe the most was the hour long train ride on foot. Wow Kat, I never would have known, but reading this made me chuckle at my own "adventures" with my m-i-l. The best(?) one was when I made up the beds after we had slept over one night. Would you believe that she went in and redid them?!!! She pulls her sheets, super, super tight, you could bounce a full piggy bank on it. I actually struggle to pull the sheets open in order to get in! My husband was annoyed that she did that, but wait a minute...what did your m-i-l give you that you didn't like? ;-) On our last trip there, I was offered a large, half-dead orchid bloom. Oh well...

  9. Wow, we should really trade stories Rowena :) She always gives us food in HUGE quantities, and there is only the 2 of us. Sometimes she gives us stuff that the expiry date has passed, so I can't give it away to anyone :( She just gave me some dried gluten called "fu" which I have never cooked with, she gave me so much that I hope I can find a good recipe to use it in...

    Take care.

  10. Sounds like a long day. Hope you got to pamper yourself and relax a bit the day after--you deserve it! ;-)

  11. thanks Debinhawaii :)

    Take care.


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