Monday, February 01, 2010

wolf moon

Were you able to check out the Wolf Moon?

I'm glad I was able to see it, it was fabulous!

When if first rose, there was this yellowish coloring to it.

Would've been perfect during Halloween, no?!

Then later in the evening it was bright and white.

Sorry my photos are blurry.

Have a good week!


  1. I missed it. It looks huge in your photos.

  2. Cool at least you were able to see it. Last night it was cloudy and rained for the most part.

  3. It was really huge Jalna :)

    Sorry to hear you guys couldn't see it Laura.

    Take care you two.

  4. Hi Kat - Man, it was so bright that it seemed the light just went right through the clouds.

  5. Was snowing on wolf moon night for us, I was so bummed!

  6. Your photos are perfect! I love photos of the moon and would have liked to take some photos. Except that everytime I was out and saw the moon, I didn't have my camera with me. Besides, my camera has been acting up lately. I have no idea what the problem is. I need a new camera anyway. First I have to win the Lotto to buy one. ;-)


  7. It was really bright Kirk!

    I would've been bummed too, Rowena, I think every month is supposed to be differently named moon. Hopefully you can catch February's.

    I hope you win the Lotto soon Paz :)

    Take care everyone!

  8. I really admire this, I mean it really looks interesting! Very nice write up. Anyways, its a Great post.


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