Monday, February 01, 2010

thank you! giveaway

I am posting again today because I was so excited to see that 400 people are following our adventures. Amazing and thank you!

While I would want to send out something to each of you, unfortunately I can only send something to one.

To qualify, you must have a blog and write something in the comments as to why you like our blog.

If you win, please link back and post about what you receive.

You have until 20:10 (8:10) on February 3rd (Japan time).

I'll post the winner on the 4th...good luck and thank you!

Thanks for participating...comments now closed.


  1. That's fantastic! Congrats! I love reading about your travels and fun food finds, and I appreciate your help when I have Japanese food questions.

  2. I enjoy all the wonderful pictures and variety on your blog. Aloha!

  3. Hello and congrats! :) I love your blog because you write about many different aspects of Japanese culture, and are able to bring in tid-bits of stories about living in Hawaii! I love all your pictures, especially the ones of food, chocolates, the moon, pretty places, and flowers! You make living in Japan come alive for me and I enjoy reading every bit of it! :) Thank you for keeping up such a lovely and inspiring blog!

  4. I love getting a peak into other cultures through this blog, and of course learning new dishes to botch at home!

  5. Congratulations on 400 followers! Here's to 400 more hehe^^

    I love your blog because I love seeing photos of food, and you always write about a great variety of food. I learn about new foods, recipes and ideas! Also I love your writing style, it's simple and straightforward but also thoughtful and coherent^^

  6. we are in japan and just got here in july i love looking at your blog to get ideas on where to travel :)

  7. Congratulations!! Ditto what Opy said on why I looooove your blog. I couldn't have said it better.

  8. Hi K&S just wanted to say I follow your blog through my blog list so make that 401! I really enjoy the "Things we're into now" posts.

  9. I love reading about all the different ono food you eat in Japan.

  10. I don't know how I found your blog but I fell in love with it as soon as I started to read your posts about Japan and Hawaii. You make me homesick for both places because during the most (in my opinion) formative years of my life I lived on Oahu and Honshu. :) Your blog helps me reconnect with that time in my life and brings back so many memories, both bittersweet and lovely. I wouldn't have it any other way!

    You combine all that wonderfulness with food. How could you go wrong with that combination!? :)

  11. Congratulations on 400 followers! I will celebrate when I hit 10 ;) I find your blog very inspirational because of your writing style and tone--it's so conversational (but very explanatory) and I feel like I'm getting a real slice of life in Japan (not to mention I discovered Ali'i Kula Lavender through your blog). Keep it up!

  12. ahaks... i'm your new adventure-story lover.. i will follow u ~_^
    i'm the 403...hehehe
    Kombanwa (it's 9.29 pm now in Sabah (North-Borneo), Malaysia...

  13. WoW! 400 subscribers! Congratulations!

    I always look forward to updates from your blog. It gives me a chance to see what the world of Nihon has to offer. My boyfriend and I are working toward visiting Japan one day and your blog is like a visual tour of exciting things that I hope to experience in the near future.

    Thank you for letting us blogger fans have an inside look at your Adventures in Japan. ^_^

  14. I fell in love with Japanese food (particularly convenience store food) when I visited my brother there a few years ago, so I just adore seeing your daily eats!

    And my absolute favourite would be when you post about chestnut desserts - the Mont Blanc I had at the Kyoto department store food area was one of the best things I've ever tasted :)

  15. Very cool to have all those followers. Congratulations! Why do I like your blog? For many reasons. Basically, I enjoy following your adventures in Japan -- food and otherwise. Everything you post is fun to read.


  16. I have been reading your blog for awhile now. I love all things Japanese especially the FOOD so I really enjoy reading about all your yummy finds and recipes.


  17. Congratulations on the 400 followers!! I have enjoyed reading your blog because it keeps me in touch with Japan. Your blog posts are filled with so many great photos and experiences that I almost... almost feel I don't need to fly there myself anymore! I just have to read your blog!

  18. Hey Kat! Congrats on the 400 followers. Honestly I'm not surprised. It's one hell of an awesome blog. 2 thumbs up!

  19. Well done and congratulations!! I love the feel of your blog. It is down to earth and natural. You're listed on my blog role, so every day I just click across for my little slice of Japan. You ALWAYS make me hungry!

  20. Kat, I won your giveaway last year and it was so exciting to get all the goodies in the mail! So if you use a random generator this year and it picks me again (highly unlikely), please feel free to pick someone else. I just want to say "doomo arigato" again tell you that reading this giveaway post brought back some great memories.

  21. Congrats on the number of followers--well deserved of course as your adventures are so fun to follow. ;-) I like to live vicariously through your foodie finds and field trips!

  22. Hi!

    Congratulations on reaching over 400!
    I reached your blog through flickr, I clicked at the search engine for japanese foods and voilá! One thing led to the other.
    What I really love about your blog is all the food posts I read about, specially desserts and all those bits of information about japanese culture, it really is like Opy said: "You make living in Japan come alive."
    I hope one day I realize my wish of travelling there, but for the meanwhile I love reading through your blog and feel just fine.
    Thanks for your wonderful blog!

  23. I'm fascinated by the intricracies and subtlety of Japanese culture. It has a lot of similarites with Mexican culture, which is why I have been interested to seek out more information about it.

    Your blog is informative in ways I haven't found before (or maybe I haven't looked enough!), because it talks about daily life and customs day-to-day (like the bags being left alone! D:) which says more about a culture than just talking about all the good things :).

    Good things are great, but I find myself learning many new things from your blog, and I appreciate that greatly.
