Monday, March 29, 2010

ellie's energy bars

Yesterday, the 3 year memorial service for FIL went smoothly, but I am pooped.

Here is something I've had in my drafts.

I tried Ellie Krieger's Energy Bar recipe from "The Foods You Crave".

If you don't have the book, you can find the recipe here.

I didn't have all of the ingredients, so I kind of ad-libbed here and there.

Still, it was easy to put together, though after baking it, it still smelled and tasted a bit "eggy".

I was looking at other energy bar recipes and I think the next time I try this, I will use egg whites instead of the whole egg.


  1. I just tried this after seeing your post! I didn't have most of the ingredients either, and used my Vitamix instead of a food processor like the recipe states, which was probably a bad idea because those blades obliterated the almonds and oats. I only used one egg because yours turned out "eggy," and added apple juice until it was sticky enough to pat into the pan. It's in the oven right now--we'll see how it turns out!

  2. will be looking forward to hearing how yours turned out Tamara!

    Take care.

  3. I love making my own energy bars but have never put egg in them--very interesting. May have to try this.

  4. Hmm, I'd like to try it, might be good to take on a long hike in the State Parks!

  5. I hope you like it Biologie & Debinhawaii :) I am definitely going to try it with only the egg whites the next time around.

    Take care you two.


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