Sunday, March 21, 2010

me-li-le poom!

Okay, so there was the "mantra" Me-li-le-pi Om!

Now I introduce you to "Me-li-le Poom!"

Mexican Lime, Lemon, Poppy Olive Oil Muffins.

I found some blue poppy seeds at the gourmet supermarket (Seijo Ishii) and since I had some lemon in my refridge, I decided to "re-try" this muffin, this time remembering to add the lemon juice.

I loved the popping of the poppy seeds in my mouth and the citrusy-ness.

This was moist and perfect for afternoon tea and for breakfast.

Follow this recipe subtracting the pistachios, but adding the juice of 1 lemon and 15 grams (about 2 tablespoons) of poppy seeds.


  1. Any mantra that involves food is one I can really get behind! The muffins look scrumptious, hope you have a good spring equinox holiday weekend.

  2. As far as I can tell, there is not a single weak link in that whole recipe - sounds delicious!

  3. They look delicious! Lemon-poppy seed muffins are one of my favorites.

  4. Yum! Love your description of the seeds poppying in your mouth.

  5. Thanks Jonathan, hope you had a nice long weekend as well :)

    Thanks ATF!

    Thanks Debinhawaii, it is becoming one of mine too :)

    Thanks Ari, hope you are well :)

    Take care everyone!


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