Friday, March 19, 2010

on the lanai

We had bought this cyclamen plant back in 2002 to give to Satoshi's grandma while she was hospitalized. Since it had roots, we weren't allowed to give it to her (read about that here).

I wonder why after all these years some of the flowers have started to have a white tinge to them?

Though Satoshi's grandma passed last year and is no longer with us, seeing this plant bloom is a nice reminder of her strength and her smile.

My lavender plants are blooming, freesia plants have lots of foliage (noticed a few buds), tulips starting to peek their heads out.

I was particularly amazed by this new leaf emerging from this philodendron selloum...doesn't it look like a dragon's head??

Spring is coming despite a cold snap that is flickering back and forth. Hopefully it will warm up before the first day of Spring (this coming Sunday, though it looks like it may be another week)....

It is the start of a 3-day weekend here...hope you have a nice weekend!


  1. That's sweet that you have the cyclamen as a reminder of Satoshi's Grandma. I have a Peace Lily from my Grandmother's funeral that I've had for years.

    I've tried to grow lavender outside in my flower beds but can't seem to get it to bloom, maybe I should try growing it in a container like you are doing.

    And yep, that philodendron leaf DOES look like a dragon head!

  2. Biologie, I think if you are planting them from seedlings then they shouldn't touch the ground at all, they need air to circulate otherwise they rot. Also, I think the soil cannot be the compacted type, needs to be loose type, for good drainage.

    Hope you can get some lavender into your garden :)

    Take care.

  3. Enjoy your long weekend. I hope you get some nice spring weather! I love all your plants and flowers. That's one thing I love about Japan - how everyone has little pots of flowers on their door steps. What is a lanai? I googled it but still couldn't work it out. Is it a balcony?

  4. Thanks Momiji, "lanai" is what we call a veranda or balcony in Hawaii :)

    Take care.

  5. Your lavender is so pretty and I love cyclamen. I am impressed with your green thumb! ;-)

  6. Thanks Debinhawaii, most times I surprise myself ;)

    Take care.

  7. I'm speechless have lavender flowers already? And the cyclamen....awesome. So nice to see some color on your balcony.

  8. Rowena,
    Actually I am not sure when our lavender turned around, it used to bloom in summer, now it does in spring.

    Take care.

  9. You can cook and have a green thumb too?? I'm jealous.

  10. Nah Jalna, no green thumb, just lucky :)

    Take care.

  11. Gorgeous flowers. Many years ago, I made the mistake of taking flowers (orchids) with roots to someone in hospital in Japan. I didn't find out afterwards that I shouldn't have. I felt really bad about it.

  12. Melanie,

    It is hard to remember or know all the customs and superstitions of the Japanese!

    Take care.


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