Wednesday, September 15, 2010

foodie tuesday in kyoto

Met up with Tamakikat in Kyoto. She had travelled to Europe as well as mainland America over the summer, so there was lots to talk about.

We walked around the grounds of the Kyoto Imperial Garden. The grounds are very large, with smaller gardens here and there.

The saltzberry as the Japanese call it (or crape myrtle) is in full bloom now. I've mostly seen it in bright pink but also have seen white and light pink blooms too.

It was my first time but I was glad I got to see the grounds.

Lunch was at Honke-Owariya, a soba shop that has been in business since 1465. Even though she lives in Kyoto, Tamakikat had been wanted to try this place. I was amazed at how many people could be seated in their tiny shop.

I ordered the sobazushi, sushi made with noodles instead of rice. I have had sobazushi in Hawaii but never in Japan.

This was simple. Delicious with lots of flavor from the wasabi that was in it.

After lunch, we were craving something sweet and decided to check out a donut shop just a few doors down from Owariya called Nicotto & Mam.

This shop is tiny with only a few seats and had about 9 different donuts to choose from.

We decided to get 3 each and split them to try.

Cinnamon, Peanut & Matcha Milk...cinnamon and peanut stood out in this group.

The donuts have a nice texture and the glaze is just right.

Matcha just didn't have enough "matcha" flavor though.

Black & White, Plain & & white and plain stood out in this group.

All in all the weather was overcast, though we did get caught in a passing shower, it was a good day and nice catch-up.

Kurumaya-cho Nijo Sagaru
Nakagyo, Kyoto
Phone: 075.231.3446

Doughnut Cafe Nicotto & Mam
Kurumaya-cho Oshikoji Agaru
Nakagyo, Kyoto
Phone: 075.223.3630
Closed Sundays

p.s. while at the gardens, I spotted this cat inside of a stone lantern...shhh! don't wake it.


  1. That cat in the lantern picture is so cute! If I ever get back to Kyoto, I'm going there!

    Were those doughnuts yeast-raised or cake? They look like yeast-raised (my favourite!), but most of the "special" doughnuts I found in Japan were cake.

  2. Mmm, sometimes the simple things are the best...I liked that you followed it up with yummy glazed treats! (And the Imperial Gardens look lovely)

  3. Yeast raised Rona. I had donuts at a cafe in Sanbangai and they were actually cake not even cake donuts :(

    Yes Jude, simple is best :)

    Take care you two.

  4. Want to visit Japan someday. I love reading about the country so reckon I should see it first hand!

  5. Wow, sobazushi- I've never seen that before! The doughnuts look delicious!

  6. Looks like a wonderful day. Loving those donuts and the kitty in the lantern is so cute. ;-)

  7. TK did some major traveling! Nice that you both got to meet up.

  8. I hope you get a chance to visit Japan soon MM!

    It was delicious K, hope you get a chance to try it :)

    The donuts were good Debinhawaii, and I was surprised that the cat was hiding in there!

    She definitely did a lot of traveling Rowena!

    Take care everyone!

  9. Sobazushi Kat! Man, I haven't had that in years...... looks great.

  10. I think the first time I tried it was at Shirokiya Kirk, what about you?

    Take care.

  11. Sobazushi is quite interesting! Next time I make sushi at home, should try this version!

  12. I hope it turns out for you Fatgarfield!

    Take care.


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