Friday, December 24, 2010


Wanted to show you how some womens bicycles in Osaka look like. 

Bicycles are often called "cha-rinko" in Osaka. 

If the bicycle is used by moms who take their kids here and there in their attached extra seats, then the bicycle is called a "mama-cha-ri". 

There has been controversy over this as it is dangerous. 

Anyway, on the handles of this particular bicycle (in the photo), are vinyl "mittens" which protect your hands from the cold. 

In the middle of the handle bar is a gadget to put your umbrella when it is raining or to protect you from the sun. 

On the front and back of the bicycle are wire baskets with coverings to protect against hittakuri (purse snatching). 

This particular bicycle looks like it is also battery powered, to give you some help going up hills. 

I've heard that Osakans are the only people to ride their bicycle in the rain. If they don't have that gadget attached to their bicycle, you can almost always see someone holding their umbrella in one hand, and steering the bicycle with the other...totally dangerous if you ask me. 

It is Friday here...hope Santa brings you everything you are wishing for.


  1. I absolutely love those handlebar "mittens" and the purse-snatching deterrant! Those should all be a given on bikes everywhere, not just in Osaka!

    I'm not sure about my internet access after today, so wanted to wish you a terrific holiday and New Year's! I hope you get to enjoy lots of yummy goodness and, importantly, have time to *relax*! I can't wait to hear more about your holidays when I return in the new year!

  2. I saw people biking in Bangkok, talk on mobile phone at the same time so like only one hand on the handle. They are such big dangers to other vehicles on road :S

    Merry X'mas to you Kat :)

  3. This is interesting because when I was in Tokyo earlier this month I saw a woman riding with three little kids also on the bike! I was amazed how she could keep her balance.

  4. Nice post Kat!

    Hands up if you cycle in the rain with an umbrella. LOL.

  5. Merry christmas friend
    from Turkey

  6. Hopefully shopping arcades around Japan are giving out these purse snatching deterrants Jude, you have a great holiday!

    I think anyone on their cell while driving anything is dangerous Patzie!

    Yes, Blukats there is talk of banning this type of bicycle riding because it is so dangerous.

    Glad you enjoyed this one TK, hope you made it back to NZ :)

    Thank you Lalique!

    Happy Holidays everyone.

  7. Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!

  8. Hey Kat - That's one tricked-out bike to be sure! I'll make sure to mention this to my good friend from Osaka.

  9. Thanks Nate!

    Thanks Kirk :)

    Happy Holidays to you both.

    Take care.

  10. Everyone in Japan rides in the rain. That's what umbrellas are for.

  11. Jude,

    You can buy those handlebar "mittens" on this site:

    Don't you just love the Dutch!

  12. Thanks for stopping by Mikael.

    Thanks for the link Geoff!

    Take care you two.

  13. Love the bike mittens. How clever of someone to think of the idea.

  14. It is very clever Barbara :)

    Take care.

  15. Love both the bicycle mittens and umbrella holder. My hubby teases me for using an umbrella when it's really sunny out, so I would totally use that even in good weather! ; )

  16. During winter Manju, I totally don't use the umbrella to get my Vitamin D, but come summer, out comes the umbrella, best to save your skin when you can :)

    Take care.


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