Thursday, February 03, 2011

setsubun + kung hee fat choy

"Kung Hee Fat Choy" (Happy New Year), today is the start of the Chinese year, the Year of the Rabbit.

I came across this chocolate rabbit over the weekend, it was similar to this lion bread except they made long rabbit ears and put a sliced almond for the teeth...yum!

Today is also Setsubun. I've written about this in detail in the past, here.

We ate our ehomaki (uncut sushi for good luck) this morning since Satoshi usually comes home late and doesn't eat rice at his dinnertime.

Instead of making the ehomaki this year, I found some at 7-eleven. Since they didn't have two of the same type, I bought one of each and gave the bigger one to Satoshi.

This year's lucky direction is nan-nan-to (south-south-east).

I think it is the first time these two occasions fell on the same day, must have some extra good luck behind it, don't you think?


  1. That's a cute bunny Kat! And 恭喜发财 新年快乐 (Gong xi fa cai, xin nian kuai le) to you!

  2. Happy New Year, Kat!! I wish you happiness, peace, and wealth in the upcoming year.

  3. Happy Chinese New Year!! I thought it might be a good one for China with Li Na almost winning the Australian Open tennis. Very cute bunny. Japan is also big on cute!!

  4. Now that is a perfect bread for the new lunar year..cute! We just finished stuffing our to process the pics!

  5. Love that chocolate rabbit--so cute. ;-) Happy New Year!

  6. Thanks Kirk, Kung Hee Fat Choy to you and the Missus!

    Same to you Pocky! same to you!

    Very big on cute J-A :)

    I saw your feast, Rowena! AWESOME!

    Usually anything filled with chocolate is a winner Deb in Hawaii :)

    Take care everyone!


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