Wednesday, February 02, 2011

cha han

In Japanese, fried rice is called cha han.

They use bits of savory char siu, shrimp, egg, and other goodies. And while this version is delicious, you just can't beat the version we have in Hawaii.

Hawaii's fried rice uses the sweet, red char siu, egg and veggies.

Sometimes you can find fried rice in Hawaii with bits of portuguese sausage or lup cheong (a type of chinese sausage) too.

(My friend on Flickr also told me that she can get these NOH packets in France! which pleasantly surprised me.)

For my fried rice, I sauteed some diced onion and diced carrot in a little oil and then added the diced up char siu.

Then I added the cold rice and broke it up in the pan.

Then I added a scrambled egg and mixed it letting the liquid evaporate.

Add a handful of chopped green onion and a couple of grinds of pepper.

Since I was having this for dinner, I added an over easy egg.

It was a nice way to use up the char siu I had made.


  1. I love that photo of the easy over egg.....

  2. Mmmm, fried rice... great use for your char siu! Just picked some up in Chinatown for the new year celebrations, and I know some of it will find its way into a fried rice, too.

  3. I love cha han! I can get the red chashu variety in a few chinese/vietnamese spots. Definitely has some nice flavors.

  4. Ooooh, that egg is done just right. I like that little crunchiness on the outside.

  5. Have you ever tried the fried rice from MinMin? I used to get take out from the one near Hankyu Mondoyakujin station (my 'hood), and my standing order was chahan and karaage (really really good karaage, too!). They put a little bit of crab meat in their fried rice (canned, but it still makes the rice more expensive), but it's nice greasy Japanese-style Chinese fried rice!

    BTW, I'm glad your MIL is doing much better. I hope she'll be OK at home!

  6. thanks Kirk :)

    yes red char siu definitely has a nice flavor Dennis :)

    Jalna, yeah the crunchiness is good too!

    thanks Rona, the MinMin we go to is at Takarazuka station, their food is greasy but a good chinese greasy. I hope MIL will be okay at home too.

    Take care everyone.

  7. missed answering your comment Manju, sorry! can't wait to see what you are using your char siu for :)

    Take care.

  8. Looks delicious. It great when you're able to find ways to finish leftovers.


  9. One of my favourite recipes to cook at home is Japanese style cha han. A splash of 塩こしょう and a fried egg on top with the soft runny yellow yolk makes all the difference.

  10. Yum... cha han is one of my favorite weekday dinners!

  11. Thanks Paz, I try not to waste food :)

    Thanks J-A

    so easy to make K :)

    Take care everyone.

  12. This looks so delicious and so savory!
    I love seeing what you eat Kat - so much food, so little time.

  13. Thank you Carol :) I enjoy seeing what you paint!

    Take care.

  14. That's how I likes my!!!

  15. Good fried rice is such great comfort food. Love the over easy egg on top too. ;-)

  16. I've never really like runny eggs Rowena, but the quality here is so good that I've come to like runny eggs :)

    Thanks Deb in Hawaii, comfort food is welcome any day :)

    Take care.


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