Tuesday, February 01, 2011

tate's peanut butter squares

The last day of January was super cold! I think the high was like 4C (39F), walking to the supermarket, my feet felt like it had frozen along with my nose.

Starting today, the temps are supposed to get up to double digits, meaning 10C (50F) we'll see, the weather dude has not been to accurate.

I had been seeing different recipes from Tate's Bake Shop Cookbook on the blogosphere and bookmarked this one to try for Peanut Butter Squares.

This recipe was really easy and tastes just like a peanut butter cup.

I cut the recipe way down, to like a fourth.

It was a good way to use up some peanut butter and dark chocolate that I had in my fridge. (I combined some 60% with some 70% chocolate)

After chilling it for the 15 minutes, the peanut butter part was on the soft side and the chocolate on the hard side.

My pieces came out a bit messy looking, but they were addictingly good and I'm glad I only made a small batch!


  1. What a coincidence, Kat! I just made something similar. I used a peanut butter cookie mix and instead of making individual cookies I just flattened in a pan and baked. Then I melted some chocolate chips and spread on top. So lazy man style! Doesn't look anywhere near as good as yours.

  2. Mmm.. I saw this one in the book and need to try it now. ;-)

  3. ooh your way sounds super easy too Jalna :)

    let me know what you think if you do try it Deb in Hawaii :)

    Take care you two.

  4. Yum, looks and sounds great! I love the PB + Choc combo :o)

  5. Not a big fan of peanut butter sweats, and I don`t know why because I really like snickers. The picture looks really yummy though.

  6. I have such a weakness for peanut buttery treats...especially when paired with chocolate. Truly a match made in heaven :)


  7. I think it is a popular combo K :)

    Actually Snickers is a little different J-A, because it is peanuts and chocolate not peanut butter and chocolate.

    nice to hear from you Jasmine. Whoever thought of this combo was definitely a genius :)

    Take care everyone.

  8. That looks just plain wicked! I like how the chocolate is so thick on top!

  9. thanks Rowena, I think the chocolate layer was supposed to be even thicker but I figured out how much I needed but didn't really measure the chocolate when I actually made it.

    Take care.

  10. peanut butter? yum! who cares about looks (although yours looks terrific), it's the taste that counts. ;-)


  11. Mine - http://hwnpakeokinawa.blogspot.com/2006/11/shrimp-fried-rice.html

  12. agree totally Paz :)

    Thanks Nate :)

    Take care you two.


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