Friday, March 11, 2011

oh my!

Yesterday, we woke up to snow. A little dusting on the rooftops. Woot! The weather is still flip-flopping and some days Spring isn't in sight.

I've been thinking about chocolate lately...I know lots of people love Nutella and I used to too, but the truth is it has additives, maybe even some preservatives.

In fact, when I opened a bottle awhile back, there was actually mold on top...eww! I was sad because I had to throw out the whole thing.

Then I tasted the dark chocolate hazelnut spread from Barbero, like Nutella but made with dark chocolate and no preservatives or additives...yum.

I remembered I had saved a small bag of hazelnuts in my freezer and decided to try David Lebovitz's recipe.

I didn't have the exact amounts of the ingredients he listed. So I ad-libbed.

Here are the proportions I used which made a cup and a little

1/4 cup milk
58 grams hazelnuts
85 grams 70% Lindt (65 grams) & 60% Ghiradelli chocolate (20 grams), measured then melted
24 grams almonds, unsalted
15 grams cacao nibs

Roast the hazelnuts in a 150C (300F) oven for 20 minutes then rub the skins with a dish towel.
Whiz the nuts and nib in the food processor, to as fine as it can whiz
After melting the chocolate, add the warm milk to it and mix well.
Add chocolate mixture to food processor and whiz.
Put into bottle and lick the spatula.

NOTES: this wasn't as creamy as his version, but it was delicious. Next time I'm in the gourmet supermarket, I'm gonna see if they have hazelnuts so I can make this again.

It is Friday here, hope you have a great weekend!

UPDATE: I re-melted everything and added 1/2 a cup more of milk because the consistency was too hard after I refrigerated the spread. This seems to be a nicer consistency.


  1. I guess I mentioned spring a bit too soon, huh? ;o)

  2. Snow?! We are expecting rain starting from this weekend and most of next week. Junk, junk, junk, but the idea of chocolate always makes things better.

  3. lol Kirk, they SAY this weekend it will start to warm up, we'll see...

    I know, while half of me was stoked Rowena, the other half is worried about the goya that I planted outside, hope it takes :0

    Take care you two.

  4. This looks really good and made with quality chocolate it is bound to be good!!

    Japan Australia

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  6. Thanks J-A :)

    Thanks Monica.

    Take care you two.

  7. Yum! I have had a package of hazelnuts in my freezer for a while now to make homemade Nutella but have not done it yet. ;-)

  8. I had saved the package I had for homemade Nutella too Deb, you should try :)

    Take care.

  9. Kat I just heard about the earthquake and tsunami...hope you both are okay!

  10. thanks Rowena, we're fine, we felt it in osaka, it was like a rocking boat, got seasick :p

    Take care.

  11. That recipe is on my to-do list too... no hazelnuts in my freezer tho! Love how yours looks so dark... one of my peeves with nutella is the milk chocolate flavor.

  12. You could try with other nuts Manju :)

    Take care.


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