Thursday, March 10, 2011

picnic for one

This past Saturday was a beautiful day, unfortunately, Satoshi had to work. Not wanting to waste a great day, I packed myself a bento and went on a little picnic.

Suigetsu Park's momo and ume (peach and apricot) trees have starting to bloom, but with the weather flip-flopping the way it has been, the trees are taking a long time to reach full bloom.

There were many people at the park, some chatting, some taking photos of the blooms.

Luckily, I found a bench to sit on and have my lunch.

Tamagoyaki (rolled omlette), yatsumi-zuke, ikanago no  kugini, ume boshi (pickled apricot), a mini tomato and some temari-style musubi (bite-sized rice balls).

I also packed some tea and some mochi for dessert.

It wasn't too fun eating alone, the temps were still very cold, but the sun was out and there were some nice blooms, I think in another week or two, the park should be in full bloom.


  1. Love the flower photos Kat! I guess spring is in the air.

  2. I wish weather in Thailand is nice enough for picnic. It's too hot and humid here. Sitting out in park means roasting myself under the sun. That's not nice :S

  3. That's so awesome that you can have a nice leisurely picnic by yourself. I should try that.

  4. So pretty! Think I'll have to take myself out on a picnic to make use of that Mariage Freres tote! ^_^

  5. not quite Kirk, we got a light dusting this morning :0

    Maybe you could picnic indoors Patzie :)

    Hope you do Jalna :)

    Will be nice to see what you can fit into your tote, Kathy :)

    Take care everyone.

  6. Hopefully Satoshi will be free to go with you in a couple of weeks. When will it be cherry blossom time?

  7. Thanks Nate, I hope so too. The end of March is what the weather people are saying...we'll see, the weather has been weird.

    Take care.

  8. It doesn't look too bad at the moment, but I look forward to some more great pictures when the blossoms are in full bloom. It is one of my favourite times of year.

    Japan Australia

  9. Spring is definitely my favorite time of the year J-A, I think this year's Spring will be quite short though.

    Take care.

  10. I like that you are getting good use out of your tote. And I wish we had blossoms on the trees already!

  11. Thanks it was just enough Nate :)

    We actually had flurries this morning, Rowena, think Spring is gonna be REALLY short this year :(

    Take care you two.

  12. Thanks Deb in Hawaii :) it was a beautiful day.

    Take care.

  13. Cherry blossoms in Osaka already? I visited japan last month & I was very lucky to stay in Osaka for 5 days. I could see some Ume trees, but unfortunately, no Chery Blossoms yet. But I was able to enjoy Sakura Tea in Kitahama Retro and Sakura Cheesecakes & Sakura Scone in Starbucks!

  14. No, the cherry trees are not in bloom yet Autumn2030, it will be another 2 weeks or so.

    Take care.


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